Social Icons

Monday, September 17, 2012

Embedding an External Site within OBIEE Dashboard

Here are the steps to embed an external site within OBIEE. Its super simple!

1. Go to your edit dashboard page
2. Drag 'Embedded Cotent' dashboard object on the left to your dashboard

3. Enter the URL of the site to embedd and set the width and height properties
4. Click 'Ok' and save your dashboard
5. Final dashboard page will look like this

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

OBIEE - Refresh Button for Single Report

I need to add a  Refresh link at the top of the OBIEE report rather than have the user scroll all the way to the bottom each time they need to refresh. Here are the steps to create a refresh button at the top of the page.

1. Open the OBIEE dashboard that contains the report to refresh in either firefox or chrome browsers. If your using Firefox, you will need to have firebug installed. For chrome users, click CTRL + SHIFT + J (I will be using Chrome for my instructions)

2. Click the 'Element' selector button. Then click the 'Refresh' button on OBIEE report to view the code

3. Right click on the code and select 'Copy as HTML'

4. On your OBIEE dashboard, paste this text into at text field. Be sure to check 'Contains HTML Code'  check box

5. Click 'OK'. Save your dashboard and you should see the 'Refresh' link on your page.

Hope this helps! Please leave me any feedback or questions you have.